Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 Goals
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Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 Goals

Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 was developed to plan for the transportation needs of Ada and Canyon Counties, Idaho, to the year 2040. This plan has two main purposes:


  • Document the present state of the transportation system in Ada and Canyon Counties across all transportation modes


  • Chart a course for the maintenance and improvement of the transportation system based on anticipated needs and expected revenues

The COMPASS Board of Directors established 17 goals in Communities in Motion 2040, the predecessor to Communities in Motion 2040 2.0, that address eight planning elements. These goals are carried forward in Communities in Motion 2040 2.0.

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1.1 Enhance the transportation system to improve accessibility and connectivity to jobs, schools, and services; allow the efficient movement of people and goods; and ensure the reliability of travel by all modes considering social, economic, and environmental elements.


1.2 Improve safety and security for all transportation modes and users.


1.3 Protect and preserve existing transportation systems and opportunities.


1.4 Develop a transportation system with high connectivity that preserves capacity of the regional system and encourages walk and bike trips.

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2.1 Coordinate local land use planning, transportation planning, and development to maximize the use of existing infrastructure, increase the effectiveness of investment, and retain or enhance the vitality of the local community.


2.2 Recognize and more clearly define and support the regional role of all communities, including small communities.


2.3 Encourage infill development and more compact growth near community-identified activity centers.


2.4 Strive for more walkable, bikeable, and livable communities with a strong sense of place and clear community identity and boundaries.

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3.1 Encourage mixed-use neighborhoods, town centers, and other development types that include a variety of housing options to meet the transportation and housing needs of all socio-economic groups.

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4.1 Promote land use patterns that provide Treasure Valley residents with safe, reliable, and cost-efficient infrastructure services.


4.2 Promote maintenance and preservation of existing infrastructure.

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5.1 Promote a transportation system and land use patterns that enhance public health, protect the environment, and improve the quality of life.

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6.1 Develop a regional transportation system that connects communities, provides access to employment centers, and provides efficient truck, rail, and/or air freight movement throughout the Treasure Valley.


6.2 Maintain the vitality of regional centers, downtowns, and main streets through continued public and private investments in new and existing business, housing, and transportation options as appropriate.

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7.1 Promote development and transportation projects that protect and provide all of the region’s population with access to open space, natural resources, and trails.

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8.1 Protect and enhance transportation routes for the efficient movement of farm equipment and products.


8.2 Protect agricultural land for food, fiber, and fuel production and support of other agricultural and food-related businesses.

Curious how else Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 builds upon, and improves upon, Communities in Motion 2040?